Who can't forget Rona Barrett's publications?
If you grew up during the '70s, she was the gossip queen of the decade. She had a number of publications and Barbra was on the cover many times. While Barbra isn't on the cover of this one, she is featured in one of the headlines- Why Barbra Streisand Fears Her Fans!
The "special book-length bonus" is too long to publish here. But I'm including a juicy excerpt. BTW, anybody know who that guy is on the cover? He looks familiar.
Sprawled regally in a deep mahogany chair, Barbra Streisand watched the endless parade of models showing her the latest in women's fashions at the exclusive San Francisco apparel shop.
Barbra sat very still-occasionally turning her critical eye from a model and nodding her approval of a particular dress to the shop's top saleswoman.
Suddenly-and seemingly out of nowhere-one of the store's stock clerk's popped into the middle of the parade and advanced toward Barbra-eager, obviously a bit nervous, and with autograph book in hand.
Instantly-almost instictively-Barbra sat erect in the chair, clutching its arms tightly. As the young man approached the star, Barbra's face assumed an emotionless gaze that stopped the stock clerk in his tracks.
"Uh. . . ." he hemmed-and-hawwed, "Miss Streisand . . . do you think . . . I mean, could I please have your autograph?" he asked, his voice a genuine symphony of apologetic sweetness.
"Puh-leez!" barbra snarled, her face no longer blank. "I'm shopping!"
Don't ya just love it. They don't write articles like that anymore!
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