Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yentl filming locations

I recently returned from a family trip to the Czech Republic. Besides visiting some distant relatives, my main objective was to visit the town of Zatec which is one of the locations where Streisand's masterpiece Yentl was filmed.
Before the trip, I watched the DVD and photographed the exterior scenes directly from the TV screen. Amazingly, the photos turned out better than I thought (see first photo above). Armed with these photographs as reference, it was just a matter matching up the photos with the real building locations.
Simple, right?
Unfortunately, my time in the Zatec was limited. Our driver (a third cousin) didn't want to spend a lot of time there because he was worried about the traffic back to Prague (he was also 84 and didn't speak English). When we arrived, we found the clock tower right away. It was located in the older part of town and was easily identifiable.
From there it became a scene out of The Amazing Race. I had a limited amount of time to find the remaining locations. Luckily a fifth cousin came along with us for the ride (along with my parents). She was 23 and had never heard of the movie. She also became our interpreter since she also spoke English. I would give her a photo and ask her to ask one of the villagers if they knew where this location was. This strategy work pretty well as we were able to find most of the locations with the amount of time we had.
I'm starting out the scene immediately following "The Way He Makes Me Feel"-one shot from the movie and another how it looks today. As you can see the buildings have been repainted sometime in the last 26 years. I guess that's progress. Personally I like the buildings unpainted- gives it a sepia tone look.
Anybody know how to say "Move the car, you're spoiling my shot" in Czech?
I'll be posting additional photos in the near future.



  1. Hi, the photographs are truly great. You should come to Prague, too, and try to discover more Yentl filming locations. Or to Hořín and some other places in the Czech countryside. Jarda

  2. I was in Prague. I haven't posted the St. Charles bridge shots becuase it's so well known. I didn't find all the locations I wanted to. If you know of any others, let me know! I've been to the Czech Republic twice. Would love to visit again. I'm half Czech, BTW.


    1. hello!!! ciao! grazie per questa tua pagina su Barbra! anche io come te mi sono innamorata del Film " ma papà ti manda sola", aspettavo mio figlio e ridevo tanto da farmi scoppiare la pancia! E' fantastica come attrice e la sua voce è la migliore che esista al mondo...
      Ieri sera ho visto per la prima volta Yentl e mi ha commosso, ma soprattutto mi ha coinvolto poichè io amo la città di Praga e ho riconosciuto alcuni luoghi girati del film come il magnifico Ponte prossimo viaggio a Praga voglio fare come te: fotografare i posti del film e andare a rivederli dal vivo...
      un caro saluto e grazie al momento per le tue foto che confrontano i luoghi del film

      Raffaella Valmassoni Italia

  3. Just re-watched Yentl after many years. I was in the Czech Republic 4 years ago and so recognized the St.Charles bridge and from there, other street scenes. I loved Prague and hope to visit again someday.
